These are rewards that represent an amount of money that you can redeem in different Avianca products or services. These rewards are issued in miles or documents (EMD or MPD) in the name of the beneficiary, as applicable. Find out more about the types of rewards and how they work below:
How do we compensate you?
We give you a voucher that credits you as a beneficiary of a LifeMiles mileage award. You can use it in Spain, USA, London, Chile and other countries. The mileage awards you can redeem them and use them to:
Mileage validity: 2 years. If you earn more miles during this period, we will update the expiry date.
Acquire and accumulate miles with our allies in different establishments.
The requirements for use this compensation.
The EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) or the MPD (Multiple Purpose Document), is an electronic coupon that the operating company of the flight gives you as payment for compensation.
It represents a specific sum of money that is given to you and you can use it as a means of total or partial payment for services and products of our airlines Aerovías del Continente Americano S.A. (Avianca), Taca Internacional Airlines S.A. (Taca), Líneas Aéreas Costarricenses S.A. (Lacsa), Transamerican Airlines S.A. (known as Taca Peru) or Avianca Ecuador S.A., (the integrated companies). With this e-voucher you can buy the following products or services.
To assign an EMD you should bear in mind: